BEFORE reading please be warned that it is a satirical piece about the merits / demerits of cannibalism so may not be to everyone's taste [ahem]. Hopefully I won't offend anyone but I thought I better get the disclaimer in. Also, please note that this is what is known as a free write so very little editing has been done. It is dialogue but I have deliberately left off the quotation marks as I reckon they're not required. What do you think?
Good morning. As the population ages, how are we to cope with rising pressures on world food supplies? Some think the answer is to start consuming insects in the west, others argue that a vegan diet is necessary; that farms barely able to cope with the pressure to rear animals would be put to better use growing vegetables. With me today is Brandon Foley, Foods Minister who is here to discuss the government's latest controversial policy suggestion: that cannibalism is our only true hope for the future. Mr Foley, you're having us on, aren't you? Surely this is just attention seeking?
Not at all, Zack. The world is in a food crisis and the simple fact is that bodies are being buried every day that could be better used as food.
Oh come on, you're surely not suggesting that when granny dies the family tuck into her on a Sunday afternoon, are you?
No of course not... Look, when someone's coffin is sent through the curtain at the crematorium do you really care what happens? I mean, really? Look, all we're advocating here is that when she goes through the curtain instead of being burnt to a cinder, her body be diverted to an abattoir type facility where the meat can be stripped off, sliced, minced, canned, or whatever, but ultimately can end up on supermarket shelf where it can provide nutritional value to someone else. Think about it, Zack... It's far better that we feed ourselves than reduce ourselves to a small pile of soot - a process, incidentally, that contributes massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year – for feeding a few plants, worms, or fish.
Sorry. Are you seriously saying you'd be prepared, once you’re dead, to be minced into a Bolognese sauce?
Absolutely Zach, of course I would. Why not? It’s not like I need my body any more at that stage.
OK… Ok…, let's suppose, just for a moment, that the principle is sound, what about the realities of disease... HIV, Hepatitis, CJD, for goodness sakes... those sorts of things?
Well, clearly there will need to be a screening program put in place but this is just process, Zach. Look, most of us, bar the odd sandal wearing hippie folkie, love to tuck into meat. All we're doing here is providing a way to feed an ever increasing population.
Isn't this just a type of ponzi scheme? All very well in the beginning but after a while, then what? Won't the flow of dead bodies dry up?
Well, not really. First of all, we mustn’t overlook the fact that people are dying every day. In fact, people are dying all day every day. And that's just here in England. We could, if we needed, also import people from around the world. Let's not forget, too, that trading in dead meat also opens up more commerce between us and, say, Russia and China. This not only sorts out the problem of how to feed people but also helps to stimulate the economy.
Russia and China?
Yes, if you think about it Zack, millions of people die every year in Russia and China, two of the largest economies in the world.
…arguably also two of the more corrupt nations, and how do you know that, say in the example of China, that you're not buying people who have been executed by the state?
Look, we've had discussions with the governments of both countries and also the USA, and in all cases we've had assurances...
Well no, because, look, they have assured us and, you know, it's very time consuming to get written guarantees, and treaties and such, and these people are, you know, well I've met them, and they' people at the end of the day and, as such, they deserve our respect and trust.
So, under the new rules can everyone expect to be eaten when they die?
Oh no. We are proposing certain exceptions. Obviously people with communicable diseases, people under 18, men who have had gay sex, and anyone who buys an opt-out card, will be exempted
An opt out card?
Yes, we’ll be making these available at a very reasonable rate of around £18,000, which is about how much it costs to source a body wholesale from abroad.
Minister, I’m afraid we’re out of time so we'll have to leave it there. Thank you.
Thank you.
In other news, today saw the launch by Amnesty International of their latest report into child trafficking across Europe. We have a special report, coming up.